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Westminster Fly In Open House was a success!
We had approximately 60+ Aircraft
We hosted approximately 50 people, including families, visit the fly in and get a close look at aviation.
More to follow….
Chapter Meeting
Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter Meeting Sunday, April 28th at 1:00 PM (Note: We are meeting the 4th Sunday, our usual meeting date is Easter Sunday.)
Location: 2nd Floor, Skytech Lounge Carroll County Regional Airport 200 Airport Drive Westminster, Maryland
Speaker: Jeffrey Schans Thunderbolt Sales Manager Lycoming Engines

6th Mid-Atlantic Gathering of RVs
Find more details on the 6th Gathering here. June 16, 2018.
Current Weather Status: GREEN (as scheduled)
***A final weather determination will be made no later than 0700 EST on June 16th. Rain date is June 17th.***
February Meeting: Mid-Atlantic Soaring Association
This month’s chapter meeting will feature a presentation by The Mid-Atlantic Soaring Association (M-ASA). M-ASA is one of the countries largest soaring clubs and was founded in 1952. M-ASA, operates at Fairfield, Pennsylvania (W73) just south of Gettysburg. W73 offers access to thermal, ridge, and wave soaring year round.
When: This Friday February 16th at 6:30pm
Where: Skytech FBO 2nd Floor Meeting Room
What: Soaring Presentation by David MacVeigh
Food and Beverages supplied by EAA Chapter 1384
Pancake Breakfast – May 6 @ 0900
We’ll be having a pancake breakfast from 0900 to 1300 on May 6th, 2017 in T-Hangar 18. All pilots and friends are invited to join us. We hope to see you there. If you have any questions – please let us know.
Membership Picnic: July 12, 2015
We’re hosting a membership picnic that is open to all members, potential members, and guests. We’ll have hamburgers, hotdogs, and sodas available at no-charge. Please join us by the picnic tables located near the t-hangars. New members are especially welcome!
When: July 12, 2015 at 12:00pm
Where: KDMW, Grassy area between t-hangars and FBO
What: Free food, and hangar talk.